Income Taxes


How To Eliminate Unnecessary Income Taxes Using Life Insurance

Free report reveals the secrets in the tax code that can save you thousands in taxes.

Do you want to pay higher TAXES?

If you are following tradtional retirement planning, and have a 401(k), IRA, SEP and the like, you have likely deferred your tax liability to a time in the future. Have you considered what taxes will be at that time?

When it comes to income taxes and the IRS, they want their share. And, with non-stop spending programs, this could be detrimental to your retirement. The secret is to keep more of what you save, and to keep it in the family, using the power of life insurance.

The Problem

“The current fiscal policy is unsustainable. We are heading to a future where we’ll have to double federal taxes or cut federal spending by 60%.”

David Walker, Former Comptroller General of the United States.

Unnecessary Taxes – It doesn’t have to be this way!

Research shows that the vast amount of Americans will transfer away the majority of their wealth to Taxes, Interest and Fees… unnecessarily!

The Solution

“Life insurance is “The SINGLE BIGGEST BENEFIT in the TAX code”.

Tax Expert, Ed Slott, CPA

Income Taxes – A Better Way!

Life insurance provides many living tax benefits including tax free cash-flow and income tax free distribution. And, the death benefit can be tax free to your heirs.

You can eliminate unnecessary taxes using the power of Life Insurance. Download our free report, and learn how to pay less in taxes while protecting your family using permanent life insurance.

Watch a video: The Truth about Retirement Planning and Taxes

Learn more about taxes and life insurance by reading a book, shop our bookstore.