Infinite Banking Think Tank 2022
Infinite Banking Think Tank 2022
Birmingham, AL. IBC Practitioners come together in Birmingham, AL. Read More →
Infinite Banking Think Tank 2022
Birmingham, AL. IBC Practitioners come together in Birmingham, AL. Read More →
Economic Freedom? The American Medical Association’s House of Delegates proclaimed and reaffirmed the belief that the “free choice of physician is the right of every individual” and that such freedom of choice.Read More →
What is Austrian Economics?Integrating Infinite Banking and Austrian Economics. The combination of Austrian Economics and The Infinite Banking Concept was a vision for the late Nelson Nash.Read More →
The politics of banking. A contrarion, argument for freedom and liberty from the banking regime. Read More →
The Inverted Yield Curve and Possible Recession. Infinite Banking (IBC) teaches family and business how to become their own banker with whole life insurance.Read More →
The Narrow Bank (TNB) Files Suit Against Federal Reserve by: Lara Murphy Reporting A recent article in Bloomberg explains that individuals representing “The Narrow Bank” (TNB) have filed suit against the New York Federal Reserve for refusing to grant them an account with the central bank. Although Fed officials cite vague “policy concerns” with the TNB business model, cynics think the explanation is very simple: the Fed doesn’t want outsiders to join the club of those eligible for its guaranteed interest payments. Some background: Back in October 2008, soon after the fall of Lehman and as Congress was debating the TARP program, the Fed initiated a new policy ofRead More →
Lara-Murphy Report – August 2018 The Lara-Murphy Report’s top priority is spreading the message of Austrian Economics, The Sound Money Solution and Privatized Banking, as described by R. Nelson Nash’s Infinite Banking Concept. There is no other economic report like it anywhere. In this issue of The LMR… THE RISE (AND FALL?) OF THE FED’S FLOOR SYSTEM – BY Robert P. Murphy The Fed instituted a very important new policy in October 2008, which casts doubt upon the rationale for the bailouts. But this new approach may be unraveling. CURRENCY CRASHES: THEY DO HAPPEN – BY L. Carlos Lara Yes, the USD is currently on top,Read More →
Government Default or Raise The Debt Ceiling? Will the government default or raise the debt ceiling again? The U.S. Treasury Department is now calling on Congress to raise the debt ceiling once again to prevent a government default. Officially, the current United States debt ceiling expired on March 15th, 2017. The following day, the outstanding debt of the United States was at the statutory debt limit. This means that lawmakers must now decide how to address the nation’s fiscal problems or face government default. Treasury Secretary, Steven Mnuchin, recently sent a letter to House Speaker, Paul Ryan, on March 8 urging Congress to raise the debtRead More →
Socialism vs Capitalism Socialism vs Capitalism. These are opposing schools of thought in economics. Essentially socialists believe in big government and capitalists believe in free enterprise. The remainder of this blog was written by Austrian Economists, Carlos Lara and Bob Murphy. Excerpted from the Lara-Murphy Report 5 LMR NOVEMBER 2015 by Carlos Lara and Bob Murphy If there was one thing we could say with regards to socialism that would cause people to rethink socialism’s entire ideology and reject it, we would point to its inability to calculate or appraise anything. It has no means for testing. Without this one ingredient in the fabric of society howRead More →
How To Find Financial Peace of Mind You can have financial peace of mind by getting the Big Banks out of your business and focusing on building your own private reserve and financial system. Over the past month the U.S. equity market has flirted in and out of “correction” territory, at times being down more than 10%. Is the worst to come? No one has a crystal ball, as humans are inherently unpredictable. But if the 2008 crash is any guide, there may be a string of “corrections” to come: As the second of the charts indicates, before the 2008 crash the S&P 500 peaked wayRead More →
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