Financial Resources » Calculators

Free Financial Calculators

Financial Calculators – Your Personal Financial Analyst

Calculators to help you make informed decisions. Use our free tools to determine payments, interest and principal payments.

Mortgage Amortization

While calculating a full mortgage amortization schedule can be complex and involves repetitive calculations, determining the fixed monthly payment for a mortgage can be done using a specific formula. This formula is derived from the concept of present value of an annuity.

Amortization Calculator

Wealth Transfers

Mortgages and Wealth Transfers

Specialized Tools

These specialized tools are designed to simplify complex financial calculations. Whether you are managing your personal finances, making investment decisions, or crunching numbers for business, these calculations can be invaluable.

How Do They Work?

At their core, financial calculators are programmed with mathematical formulas that correspond to various financial concepts. These formulas handle calculations related to:

  • Time value of money: This concept recognizes that money received today is worth more than the same amount received in the future due to its potential earning capacity.
  • Interest rates: Calculators can determine interest accrued on loans, investments, or savings accounts.
  • Cash flow analysis: These tools can evaluate the profitability of projects or investments by analyzing incoming and outgoing cash flows.
  • Loan amortization: Financial calculators break down loan payments into principal and interest components over time.
  • Investment analysis: They can help calculate returns, growth rates, and other metrics for investments.

Using a Financial Calculator

To effectively use these calculators, you’ll need to know some input variables, such as the interest rate, projected number of pay periods, and the payment amount. The calculator then processes the information, based on the selected function, and provides the result.

While these are powerful tools, it’s essential to understand the underlying concepts and formulas to accurately interpret the results. Let us help you better understand your cashflow, so you can optimize your finances. Follow the button below to get started.

Use These Free Calculators from Our Contributors

Use of these free tools are subject to the following terms and conditions.

We strive to ensure every calculator works perfectly, but these widgets are provided on an as-is basis, and functionality is not guaranteed.

Time Value of Money (TVM)

Use our TVM calculator to calculate future value, present value, payment, rate, or number of periods using the time value of money formula.

TVM Calculator

Simple Interest

Calculate the interest earned and the future value of an investment using simple interest by entering the principal, rate, and time below.

Simple Interest Calculator

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