The Federal Reserve – The Creature from Jekyll Island (book and audio)
The Federal Reserve –
The Creature from Jekyll Island book and audio.Read More →
The Federal Reserve –
The Creature from Jekyll Island book and audio.Read More →
The Federal Reserve MeetingsJerome Powell Testimony The Federal Reserve Meetings with testimony from Chairman Jerome Powell. The Federal Reserve, the Central Bank of the United States, meets regularly to discuss financial issues and economic conditions. Chairman Jerome H. Powell testified before the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. on March 1, 2018. Chairman Powell submitted identical remarks to the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, and the U.S. Senate. In his testimony, Chairman Powell said the central bank does not see strong evidence of wage inflation and that there is no evidence that the U.S. economy is overheating. FEBRUARY 27, 2018 MonetaryRead More →
The Federal ReserveThe Creature from Jekyll IslandBook and Audio from G. Edward Griffin The Creature from Jekyll Island-A Second Look at the Federal Reserve is a non-fiction book written by G. Edward Griffin. In this posting we will provide an opportunity for you to download a shortened audio version of the book to help you gain knowledge of how the Fed was created and what it stands for. Where does money come from? Where does it go? Who makes it? The money magicians’ secrets are unveiled. We get a close look at their mirrors and smoke machines, their pulleys, cogs, and wheels that create theRead More →
Myra Roth Wants Your Money Promises Tax Benefits and Safety Myra Roth, the government’s new retirement account, launched nationwide this past Wednesday. myRA is her given name and she wants you to invest your hard earned money with her. She is of no kin to Ira or Betsy, and I do have my suspicions about her. Disclaimer: This blog was written with satire and is not intended as investment or tax advice. As I write this blog, our country is celebrating Veteran’s Day, and we are broke. A great number of the population are retired and/or unemployed. So, I find it ironic that our government suddenlyRead More →
Escape Federal Reserve Banking TyrannyDeclare Your Financial Independence In the spirit of our country’s independence, it’s time to take control of our finances and declare your financial independence! Escape Tyranny by Avoiding Fractional Reserve Banking Escape the tyranny of Fractional Reserve Banking and become your own banker. According to Merriam Webster, Tyranny is oppressive power. A government in which absolute power is vested in a single ruler. This single ruler is the Central Bank of the USA, better known as the Fed. In his book, The Creature from Jekyll Island. G. Edward Griffin calls the Federal Reserve a cartel. Federal Reserve Banking Federal Reserve bankingRead More →
Faith, Family and Finance How To Protect Yourself from the Fed and a Collapsing Economy The time is now to stand up for your rights as a citizen and protect your faith, family and finances – or perish. Your lifetime of hard work, and your family are in jeopardy. You can educate yourself on the true history of our country and expand your knowledge of money so you can live a life free from tyranny. Today our liberty is being threatened because of the power of government. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and The Federal Reserve (Fed), ironically created the same year (1913), are seizingRead More →
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