Bull Run
The Bull’s are out, but how long can this bull market run?
If you’ve been waiting on a sign, the FED just gave the markets the all clear, and it’s literally off to the races.Read More →
The Bull’s are out, but how long can this bull market run?
If you’ve been waiting on a sign, the FED just gave the markets the all clear, and it’s literally off to the races.Read More →
Family banking is a way for families to take control of their finances, so they don’t have to depend on traditional bank lending or government plans. Read More →
The politics of banking. A contrarion, argument for freedom and liberty from the banking regime. Read More →
BYOB, How To Become Your Own Banker. Becoming Your Own Banker© is the textbook for a ten-hour course of instruction on the power of dividend-paying whole life insurance. It is education for consumers to use for their family and business.Read More →
The Federal Reserve –
The Creature from Jekyll Island book and audio.Read More →
The Narrow Bank (TNB) Files Suit Against Federal Reserve by: Lara Murphy Reporting A recent article in Bloomberg explains that individuals representing “The Narrow Bank” (TNB) have filed suit against the New York Federal Reserve for refusing to grant them an account with the central bank. Although Fed officials cite vague “policy concerns” with the TNB business model, cynics think the explanation is very simple: the Fed doesn’t want outsiders to join the club of those eligible for its guaranteed interest payments. Some background: Back in October 2008, soon after the fall of Lehman and as Congress was debating the TARP program, the Fed initiated a new policy ofRead More →
Lara-Murphy Report – August 2018 The Lara-Murphy Report’s top priority is spreading the message of Austrian Economics, The Sound Money Solution and Privatized Banking, as described by R. Nelson Nash’s Infinite Banking Concept. There is no other economic report like it anywhere. In this issue of The LMR… THE RISE (AND FALL?) OF THE FED’S FLOOR SYSTEM – BY Robert P. Murphy The Fed instituted a very important new policy in October 2008, which casts doubt upon the rationale for the bailouts. But this new approach may be unraveling. CURRENCY CRASHES: THEY DO HAPPEN – BY L. Carlos Lara Yes, the USD is currently on top,Read More →
Independence Day Our Independence Day, more commonly known as the 4th of July, is when we commemorate the United States adopting the Declaration of Independence and when we declared our independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. Independence Day is traditionally associated with fireworks, BBQ’s and family. As we celebrate our Independence Day, let’s remember what our independence really means… The colonists rebelled against the British Crown and taxation. Today, some 241 years later, our country faces a similar situation that would have our founding fathers rolling in their graves. Our federal government is destroying our freedoms and is larger and more oppressive than ever.Read More →
The Federal Reserve MeetingsJerome Powell Testimony The Federal Reserve Meetings with testimony from Chairman Jerome Powell. The Federal Reserve, the Central Bank of the United States, meets regularly to discuss financial issues and economic conditions. Chairman Jerome H. Powell testified before the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, D.C. on March 1, 2018. Chairman Powell submitted identical remarks to the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, and the U.S. Senate. In his testimony, Chairman Powell said the central bank does not see strong evidence of wage inflation and that there is no evidence that the U.S. economy is overheating. FEBRUARY 27, 2018 MonetaryRead More →
Declare Independence Declare independence by taking control of your freedoms and finances. Our Independence Day, more commonly known as the 4th of July, is when we commemorate the United States adopting the Declaration of Independence and when we declared our independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain. Traditionally, Independence Day is associated with fireworks, BBQ’s and family. As we celebrate our Independence Day, let’s remember what our independence really means… The colonists rebelled against the British Crown and taxation. Today, some 241 years later, our country faces a similar situation that would have our founding fathers rolling in their graves. Our federal government is destroying ourRead More →
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