Vendors – Carriers
Request for Proposal
Vendors and Carriers can schedule a meeting and submit a request for proposal (RFP). For quick introductions, use this link to schedule a call.
At Legacy Insurance Agency we pride ourselves in our selection of the nation’s most stable financial companies and highest rated insurance carriers. We do business with A rated companies in order to provide our customers with superior service.
We continually seek to find the most efficient and effective ways to serve our clients through programs, and partnerships that uphold our values and allow us to serve our clients with trust and integrity. We cater to a diverse group of vendors for each of the markets we serve.

Vendor Carrier Request for Proposal
Currently, we are focused on serving our clients to the fullest utilizing the products, tools and resources we have in place. However, if you feel that your company, products or services could benefit us in this quest, please feel free to schedule a meeting and complete a request for proposal or product demonstration.
We are available weekdays, and for lunch meetings. To schedule a time with us follow these links: Schedule a lunch meeting