Financial Independence with Your Bank
Take control of your finances with your own bank. Having your own bank sounds great, but starting a traditional brick and mortar bank is probably out of the question for most people. By becoming your own banker, you can take control of the lending and enjoy financial freedom.
Infinite Banking with Life Insurance Short Video Comparison
Start Banking on Yourself with Life Insurance
Have you ever thought about what you are giving away in interest to someone else? We all finance things from time to time, but even paying cash can create lost opportunity costs.
Simply, we either earn interest or pay interest. When we finance with others, the interest we pay is gone, forever!
Your bank is actually to be an account that you own and control. Cash value life insurance provides the mechanism that is needed, we just have to understand how to use it for financing.
Think Like a Banker
Once we start thinking like a banker, it’s easy to recognize the benefits. However, we have to take action on the thoughts, or the thinking is null.
Here’s a question… Would you rather be a customer, or the banker? In his bestselling book, Becoming Your Own Banker™, Nelson Nash provides the foundation for creating own system for finance. Nash relates IBC to running a business, and he uses a grocery store to clarify the point and remind us don’t steal the peas!
Banking is Not Investing
Though banks and insurance companies work similarly, they are not the same. Banking is a process, and controlling it can be very profitable.
Many accounts offer can be used for financing, however few offer the security and benefits that come with dividend paying, whole life insurance.How To Unlock The Infinite Banking Concept ™ (IBC)
Infinite Banking is a predictable way to create financial freedom by controlling the process. Your system will be funded with your own personal capital. And, though this may sound difficult, it’s easy to understand once we recognize how much money passes through our hands.
By practicing the Infinite Banking Concept™ (IBC) you can grow your family’s wealth safely and predictably without depending on traditional financial institutions for lending. When you practice IBC, you can control the terms. This means how much is available for loan, and how the loan can be repaid.
Imagine financing all of your major purchases without having to apply for loans or credit scoring. Now imagine doing this over a lifetime, and recovering the interest and fees associated with traditional lending.
If you’d like to learn more about IBC, then let us know by scheduling a meeting.
Until next time,
Barry Page, IBC Practitioner