The Alternative Investment
Protect and Grow Your Wealth
The alternative investment, a way to protect and grow your wealth with less risk and worry. Life insurance and annuities can provide a safe alternative to traditional investing. You can Diversify and Guarantee Your Financial Portfolio using these safe money alternatives, life insurance and annuities.
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The Alternative Investment – Policy Secrets
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Discover the Alternative to Investing
Alternative investments that provide protection and growth. Americans have been lied to about investing for too long. We have been told that the stock market is the ONLY place to invest our money… And to max out the contributions on our 401k and retirement plans.
Sadly thousands of Americans have lost their entire retirement savings in qualified plans and the stock market. Trillions of dollars have been lost. The good news is, You don’t have to believe the lies anymore!
Another lie we’ve been told by the “financial gurus”, is that life insurance is a bad investment. That you should “buy term and invest the difference”. The first problem with this theory is that most people never save the difference. The next problem is that the term insurance usually expires when you need it the most, when you are most likely to die.
The truth is, permanent life insurance should not be looked at as traditional investing. However, it is one of the safest places to store your money. It combines protection and savings to help you create generational wealth. And, if you understand how, you can use it while you’re alive!
Alternative Investments
Annuities and Life Insurance offer a safe alternative to investing in the stock market. You can diversify your financial portfolio and develop a safe strategy for retirement using fixed annuities and permanent life insurance that will shield your assets from predators and losses.
A fixed annuity account offers guaranteed safety of principal and specifies a fixed interest rate with options for lifetime income. Dividend paying, whole-life insurance offers protection and access to capital, while guaranteeing that what you want to happen will happen.
You can also benefit from the tax advantages offered by these time tested products that have been around much longer than the income tax. These tax benefits are not offered with other financial products like cd’s or stocks, and allow more flexibility than traditional retirement accounts.
While the primary purpose of life insurance is providing a death benefit to the policyowner’s beneficiaries, paying additional premium or overfunding can grow the cash value quicker and can transform a life insurance policy into an alternative investment vehicle that offers tax-free growth and income-tax-free income.
What is an Alternative Investment?
From Investopedia: An alternative investment is an asset that is not one of the conventional investment types, such as stocks, bonds and cash… Alternative investments include private equity, hedge funds, managed futures, real estate, commodities and derivatives contracts.
Ironically, none of the major publications ever mention whole life insurance when discussing alternative investments. This should come as no surprise since mutual life insurance companies typically do not advertise in their publications. And, that’s exactly why it is an alternative.
And, none of the alternatives mentioned provide any safety at all, they are all investments that include risk. What we are talking about here is an “alternative to investing”. In other words, you don’t have to speculate and take risks with your hard earned money.
When designed correctly, life insurance and annuities can provide you with protection from loss and guaranteed growth. That’s why it’s more important than ever to work with a professional that understands the benefits you want, an alternative to the stock markets, volatility and risk.
Learn More About Non Investments
You owe it to yourself to learn how these time tested and proven financial instruments can help you and your family.
Download our free pdf report, The Alternative Investment – Understanding Policy Secrets, and then request a complimentary meeting. You’ll be glad you did.
Did You Know?
Alternative Investment Strategies
Alternative investment strategies aren’t just for the super wealthy and elite. Anyone can bring significant benefits to their current financial portfolio by diversifying risk exposure away from traditional financial products.
Many financial advisors are promoting alternative investments to institutional investors, or accredited, high-net-worth individuals, but you can utilize our simple strategies today. These other products and plans are often complicated and have complex regulations on the investments.
Keep it Simple
When we speak with clients, most are overwhelmed with information, and rarely do they truly understand their financial plan. We keep it simple, and offer plans that are designed to put you in control of your money.
What good is it to have a financial plan that you don’t understand? Most traditional plans have no guarantees, and only offer uncertainty because of ever changing tax rates and market volatility.
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