Bookstore » Tuttle Twins

Tuttle Twins
Educational Book Series

The Tuttle Twins educational book series for kids. Now you can teach your children the principles of Freedom and Liberty. Your child’s education is not complete without a foundation of freedom.

Until now, freedom-minded parents have had little to no educational material to teach their children the concepts of liberty.

The Tuttle Twins series of books helps children learn about political and economic principles in a fun and engaging manner. With colorful illustrations and a fun story, your children will follow Ethan and Emily as they learn about liberty!

Order these books individually or follow this link to Buy the entire set and Save!

The Law – The Foundation of Freedom

Children are often taught that government protects our life, liberty, and property, but could it be true that some laws actually allow people to hurt us and take our things? Join Ethan and Emily Tuttle as they learn about property, pirates, and plunder!

The Road to Surfdom – A tale of unintended consequences

History abounds with examples of government officials making decisions that harm others. Unfortunately, these unintended consequences are rarely if ever anticipated. As the twins find in their latest adventure, central planning can ruin people’s lives!

Creature from Jekyll Island – The creature stealing our money

Join the twins in their exciting third adventure as they uncover the mystery of how a powerful creature is stealing their grandparents’ hard-earned savings, and how they can fight back to protect the money they make in their family business!

Food Truck Fiasco – A fight for fairness

Disruptive businesses often fight against their crony competitors and their allies in government. Ethan and Emily witness this firsthand with their food truck friends as they embark on a campaign to win public support and overturn the laws that shut them down.

The Golden Rule – A summer camp adventure like no other!

Ethan and Emily Tuttle embark on their first summer camp adventure where competing teams turn into rivals, but Chief Ron helps the twins and their teammates learn the dangers of aggression, revenge, and blowback—and why peace and friendship are important! 

Miraculous Pencil! – The miracle of the free market

Ethan and Emily Tuttle have grown up taking for granted the many things they use: clothes, cars, homes, backpacks—even something as simple as a pencil. In this fun adventure to an amazing factory, the twins learn about the miracle and importance of the free market.

Order The Tuttle Twins Bookset and SAVE!

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